Artera vie a municipiului Oradea - Creșterea calității vieții prin optimizarea relației cursului de apă cu țesutul urban - Beta Competition
Graduation projects, Graduation projects

The living artery of Oradea - Increasing the quality of life by optimizing the relationship between the water course and the urban fabric

Project description

The premise of the project starts from the proximity of the Natura 2000 sites both upstream and downstream of Oradea. The project consists in two stages: the development of a strategy along the entire length of the Crișul Repede river in the city and the detailing of one section chosen according to different factors. The project was based on various theoretical concepts related to Natura 2000 sites in cities, the theme of biophilia in urban planning, how blue green infrastructure can be developed, elements of riverfont design, and the dynamics of the community woth the administration in terms of top-down or bottom-up approaches. The strategy aims to identify different functional cores for understanding the character of each section, respectively proposing intervention directions that balance the relationship of the water course with the urban fabric. Globally, the strategy focuses on making the riverbanks accessible, creating a blue green corridor, and educating the population through nature. The actual interventions were detailed at the level of Section nr. 2, due to the high population density and the strong vegetation already existing due to the immediate proximity of a Natura 2000 site. The character of the area is residential, with a strong influence of wellness and sport facilities. The areas for interventions are focusing on bringing out the true potential of the space: firstly the rehabilitation of the sports center with the temporary market square intend to create a city wide attractor. Secondly, the accessibilization of the island to create an educational circuit to raise awareness on the importance of nature. In addition to the larger areas that have been detailed, a toolkit of design principles with plants is also proposed to be able to optimize each part of the riverbank according to the needs and specifics of different areas. Lastly, the organization of activities according to age groups, the daily and annual schedule is another important component of the project to be able to prioritize the interventions and use the spaces to their true potential.

Author's presentation text

A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Timișoara, with a training in the field of visual arts, I have various curiosities and interests related to the field of urban planning and the relationship of this field with nature.