Graduation projects, Graduation projects
Ineu Citadel Ensemble
Project description
Any reconversion project starts from a pre-existing one, in this case we are talking about a building with a rich history of layers and events, marked by conquests, abandonment, reconversion and subsequently the lack of a development strategy favorable to such a site. In any architectural desgin process we start from something existing, in this case we intervene on the Citadel Ensemble from Ineu, Arad County. Preservation of one of the important historical monuments of the Arad region, of the military architecture in Romania, and on opportunity to aproach a new vision on its evolution, wich will benefit from a real intervention in the coming years, through this diploma I want to present the capacity of such a place, located in a strategic area, to become a new semi-urban nucleus, a cultural container. The biggest challenge of the process was to understand how to approach the building, to understand it layers and what the building needs to be accessible, functional and safe. So the proposal tries to bring togather all those aspects, inclusion of layers, time and material. The layers of the building are considered to be part of the story of the building, and the proposal seeks to give new generations a chance to see more of it, putting in the light parts that are now hidden by time. The proposal brings to the building a new chapter of history, a new layer, with a new material and a new function. The new layer complies with the Venice Charter, adding a material that will be distinguished by the existing and which aims to provide accessibility, know-how, consolidation and functionality, all of which are introduced by a withdrawn note, which does not try to feel his presence and trying to complete and sustain. Another difficult step was to decide for a building as large as it could be used. Being from Ineu and growing up, studying at the school that is opposite the fortress, I always wondered why that building is unused for so long, I invented stories of the place, I thought there was something completely different. This is due to the lack of information that since we arrived on the school benches, we could know and certainly looked at the city and the space differently. Thus, the new function that I consider the most necessary is that of information, awareness, belonging to a place that has more value than we know. Completing the informative character with that of exploring but also promoting the cultural side through local crafts and traditions.
Author's presentation text
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning in Timișoara, studied for a year at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Sevilla in Spain, participated in numerous national and international architectural competitions, currently working in an architecture studio in Timișoara , trying to discover wholeness through simplicity, in everyday life and in architecture.