Graduation projects
The Restoration of Mocsonyi Ensamble from Bulci
Project description
The main subject of this project is the Mocsonyi Ensamble from Bulci, Arad County, and the multilayered system of relationships that arise between the complex and the surrounding context, as well as between its various components. Through a comprehensive approach to all its defining parameters, the aim of the project is to recover the patrimonial and identity value within the community and society by re-functionalizing and bringing the ensemble back to life.A function that arises from the inherent qualities of the site is the function of a research and environmental design center, generated because of the relationship architecture - nature, characteristic of the place. This university center seeks to create a multidisciplinary educational core based, in the first place, on principles of experimentation and interpretation, through the collaboration and participation of researchers from different fields of study from the sphere of natural sciences, architecture, geography, history and even social sciences, but keeping certain areas accessible to the local community and tourists, aimed at establishing the conditions for recreating a social cohesion, lost in the last decades. Starting from the two main themes identified and characteristic to the site, the greenhouse, via metal and glass materials, and the nature-anthropic relationship, illustrated by the ivy motif on the facades of the main building and the dialogue of the interior space with the dendrological park, the restoration of the domain will be based on the concept of "AMBIENTE", while the notions of "innovation" and "cultivation", become the generating points of the recovery. Keeping at the macro level the same granulation of the built mass, the new functions deriving from the chosen functional program will be integrated either in the already existing constructions, or in a new partially buried auditorium-type structure, which does not try to alter the relationship with the landscape, but to potentiate it. By introducing vegetation to the interior space, as well as by preserving some areas with apparent brickwork, we want to further express the atmosphere and its current state. Considering the advanced state of decay of the domain, resulting from an extended period of neglect and absence of a functionality, that would have required constant maintenance, the project strategy was based on finding a balance between the economic part and the recreation of a proper atmosphere related to its historical background, but also contemporary character.
Author's presentation text
Oana Claudia Trif graduated the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Timisoara in 2021, currently following a Master of Architecture, specialization in Restoration.