Graduation projects
Project description
The study aims to make a contribution to how an architecture, environmental arts and design classroom for high school should be designed. The main objective is to raise awareness on how these spaces are treated in reality and to highlight the key elements of how these kind of spaces should look like, while making a case study about the workspaces at ”High School of Fine Arts Timișoara”. The article is composed by a short analysis of the given site, while the next chapter talks about statistics of art and architecture learning institutions in Romania. Given these information, the following chapter is about types of schools with the same curriculum and how their workspaces are organised, so a strong and coherent conclusion can be made. The interior design project of the architecture, environmental arts and design classroom from High School of Fine Arts Timișoara tries to sum up all the given information in order to create a suitable workspace for a vocational school and its students. Following the substantiated study elaborated, it appears that the current educational spaces dedicated to specialized disciplines need a change, adapting to new norms, visions and pedagogical theories. The arrangements that respect and instill these premises, encourage educators, but also teachers, having as a consequence a healthy and beneficial instructive-educational process, which further instills the desire to seek and exploit creativity. The proposed function retains the original one, bringing in addition an added value, offering the beneficiaries (direct and indirect) spaces for carrying out specific activities, at contemporary standards. So as a consequence, at the ground floor level it is proposed a transparent central space core, where students can meet and contemplate to find new sources of inspiration for the upcoming classes, being inspired by multiple textures and clusters of interactive furniture and colors. Adjoining, a series of versatile workshop spaces are proposed, the transparent factor still being taken into consideration. Mobile walls will be used, so the learning process can happen to its full potential.
Author's presentation text
My name is Hîrjea Camelia - Mirela, I am 27 years old, I am from Arad, I was a student at the Sabin Drăgoi Arts High School in the same city, and in 2019 I graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning Timișoara. After a year's break and already employed from two other years in the vocational pre-university education system at the Timișoara Fine Arts High School, I decided to follow the master's degree in Trends, Materials and New Technologies in Interior Architecture at the Timișoara Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. This year I completed my studies, and for my dissertation work it seemed natural to me, considering my background and the environment in which I work, to address the subject of the design of specialized educational spaces. Through the dissertation project, I wanted to draw attention to this subject and to the conditions of vocational education spaces, a fact that encouraged me to participate in this competition.